I am sorry I do not have photos yet but my battery died on me. My trip from Cordoba on Sunday went really well
especially the lovely videos they show of the best from America They must buy the cheapest movies that people in the US refuse to watch, and show them on the bus, or maybe they dig them out of the trash somewhere. It is sad to leave your family behind but I know it is for the best and I probably would have gotten all the way without a tear, if I was not so vexed by the movies.
After the movies, I had an alright sleep on the bus until about 9 AM Monday morning when I arrived in Posadas (At the border of Argentina). I took my bags to a hotel, and then went to see if I could get my visa that day, but it turned out that I had to wait until the next, but they gave me things to do so that on the next day I would be ready. That night began a huge storm and I was concerned that some windows would break. A branch of a tree did fall over and broke one of the lamp-posts. On Tuesday morning I got up early and it was still raining but I still walked the two blocks to the Consulate office. They were nice to me and It was not more than an hour later they gave me my Visa.
Then I went back to the Hotel and checked out of my room and walked around town trying to stay under cover as much as possible until I found a shop kind of like a dollar store and bought an umbrella for 12 pesos or about three dollars.
I found a coffee shop with WIFI internet and used my computer until lunch when I ate a small pizza. It is not too hard to be alone I think until you have to eat and then you feel really alone.
Not too many hours later
Norberto came and picked me up and we went to a Bible school where Norberto and his mom taught. Then finally at 11:00pm we started across the border into Paraguay. Things here are much different then Argentina but I will tell more in my next blog post. But for now Praise God I am in Paraguay!
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