Tuesday, October 27, 2009

An Urgent Message to God's Elect by B.H. Clendennen

Everyone should listen and take action on this. PRAY and draw near to God.

I am Glad in the Lord

I preached Sunday about Revival and God gave the people a heart to pray. Today I helped a ministry called Jewish voice which is doing a concert of Messianic Jewish music to reach the Jews in this city. Paul Wilbur is going to sing. I have the sense of God's pleasure. My time is drawing to a close here in Argentina and I will soon be going to Paraguay. I have improved in my Spanish greatly and I am really pleased with how God is working in my life. To God be all the glory and honor and praise. Pa is in Israel right now and doing his drama "The Rabbi From Tarsus." As you can see we are busy but that happily. May God be pleased with you all in Jesus.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


The missionary will say, “But if you will not go yourself you can help me go by giving me a monthly or one time donation….” please do not use this as a cop-out that will keep you from doing something more. You can share in my reward by giving to me as I go, but maybe you have a reward planed in heaven for you if you go? Do not despise the harvest. In this economy it can be hard to spend the money to go, but go, and as you go God will provide. Is not the laborer worthy of his hire? The impact is huge when people inspired by God step out and get involved.

In fact please tell me if you are going on a short term trip or longer as a missionary and I will give you what I can to help you go. The offer is open so please let me know. I would be glad to hear of any of you going on a trip and I would like to help any as the Lord provides so that you can go.

There are two ways to send me support.

Online Donation
You may send gifts automatically from a credit card by filling out the form on the Missionary Ventures “Donations” page: (You should check the box in the "* Donation Area" that says "[X] Missionary Support" and write "David Bendele" then fill in the rest as marked.)

You may send a check to Missionary Ventures Headquarters to this address:
Missionary Ventures, P.O. Box 593550, Orlando, FL 328593550

Please make checks payable to Missionary Ventures but attach a note on a separate piece of paper indicating that your donation is to be used for my support.

Checks sent to me or sent in my name I can not use due to IRS regulations.

Disclaimer: Notwithstanding any other statements in this communication, please remember that any contributions to MVI are under MVI's full discretion and control as required by IRS regulations.

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